Friday, May 20, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Karl “The Architect” Rove at the University of Iowa 3/9/8
Karl “The Architect” Rove at the University of Iowa 3/9/8
Karl Rove iowa,
Jim Rogers says “Abolish the FED” on CNBC 2008.03.12
Jim Rogers says “Abolish the FED” on CNBC 2008.03.12
federal reserve,
ron paul
Question Your Reality
Question Your Reality
Whether you love him or hate him, no one can deny Alex Jones’ tireless passion for finding the truth and getting that truth out to the people. This short video is an edited version of Alex’s 60-minute TV show from February 11th 2008 (his birthday!). Alex urges us to question our reality and do our own research instead of allowing our minds to be spoon-fed by the corporate mainstream media.
I like the way Alex is able to express his sheer outrage towards what the elite are doing, and yet he still manages to inject some humour and zany-ness into what he’s saying. I think this helps to lighten the tone and take some of the edge off the subject matter… which, let’s face it, is quite disturbing. In this vid, Alex discusses the dangers of fluoride in our drinking water, and how it is responsible for a host of different medical problems – including cancer, brittle bone disease, immune deficiency, mental sedation, and even reduced IQ. This has all been known to the powers-that-be since the 1920’s. Despite the fact that fluoride has been shown to have no effect whatsoever in reducing dental problems, the powers-that-be insist on putting it in our tap water. Fluoride is a toxic industrial bi-product from the aluminium industry. It is classified as hazardous waste. Consumption of fluoride – even in tiny amounts – is extremely harmful to the body. This is established medical fact. One of the first uses for fluoride was in the 1930’s and 1940’s when fluoridated water was given to prisoners of Nazi concentration camps to cloud their thinking ability and weaken their mental resolve. This very same tactic is now being used on us, by our very own leaders, to the extent where many people are incapable of thinking outside the box. All of the studies in every state and every country show that fluoride does NOT improve the state of your teeth or gums. And even if it did help in any way, why does this highly toxic substance have to be put in our drinking water? Think about it. There’s only one logical reason to put it in our water — the elite are using fluoride as one of their many tools to assault our body and mind for their own gain. We are nothing more than battery cells to them. We are just programmable, income-generating, tax-paying consumers. They extract money from our labour, our sweat-equity, and they use that money to build the prison walls around us so they can control us even more. If they had their way, we’d all be nothing more than robots who do as we’re told and never complain. The last thing they want is an informed, active and closely-knit society of people who have the brains, the heart, the courage, and the will to change the status quo. Therefore they use every tool at their disposal to keep us all in a perpetual dumbed-down, distracted and submissive state. The elite are the only ones who gain from this, not us! We should all stop squabbling amongst ourselves and instead focus our attention on the puppets and their masters who profit from all the things that make us angry. Stop getting all your info from the mainstream media – do your own news gathering from many independent sources. Only then can you confidently say that you know what’s going on in the world. It is time to break out of your conditioning and express your true individuality.The information in this video is plain fact. It contains no swear words, no profanities, no racial hatred or religious intolerance, and no porn. So if YouTube removes this video, they will only be proving that they are part of the oligarchy that wants to keep us all dumbed down. Over the last few months, a lot of truth-seekers have had their channels suspended for no apparent reason, and I am sure that this channel is next on their list. I thought we had got rid of fascism when Hitler was ousted from power. Well, it just proves how wrong you can be!
Anyway, over the last few weeks I’ve been really busy working on my new website, plus I’ve been working on Part 20 of 9/11 Coincidences. I’m planning to upload all of my vids to my new site so that you can download them and share them around.
alex jones,
fight the nwo,
new world order,
question your reality
US accused of using ‘kangaroo court’ to try men accused of role in September 11 attacks
By Andrew Gumbel
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
The United States military announced yesterday that it was bringing death penalty charges against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and five other men suspected of orchestrating the September 11 attacks, and intended to try them under the Bush administration’s much-criticised military tribunal system, which is subject only to partial oversight by the civilian appeals system.Tuesday, 12 February 2008
The decision to use Mohammed and the others as guinea-pigs in a constitutionally dubious legal proceeding is likely to trigger a firestorm of anti-American sentiment in the Islamic world and spark a fractious domestic debate in an already highly charged presidential election year.
Concerns were raised last night of political interference by the White House in the military’s decision to go to trial in the middle of an election campaign in which the Republican frontrunner, John McCain, has made the fight against al-Qa’ida central to his election bid.
kangaroo court,
us accused of using kangaroo court
Navy Research Paper: ‘Disrupt Economies’ with Man-Made ‘Floods,’ ‘Droughts’
A recently-unearthed U.S. Navy research project calls for creating mad-made floods and droughts to “disrupt [the] economy” of an enemy state.
“Weather modification was used successfully in Viet Nam to (among other things) hinder and impede the movement of personnel and material from North Viet Nam to South Viet Nam,” notes a Naval Air Warfare Weapons Division – China Lake research proposal, released last month through the Freedom of Information Act. But “since that time military research on Weather Modification has dwindled in the United States.”
The proposal suggests a study of the latest weather manipulation techniques, to “give the U.S. military a viable, state-of-the-art weather modification capability again.” With that in hand, American forces would be able…
A military in-house newspaper calls “weather modification” an “area of China Lake preeminence. Between 1949 and 1978, China Lake developed concepts, techniques, and hardware that were successfully used in hurricane abatement, fog control, and drought relief. Military application of this technology was demonstrated in 1966 when Project Popeye was conducted to enhance rainfall to help interdict traffic on the Ho Chi Minh Trail.” (Here’s a picture of China Lake’s “Cold Cloud Modification System.”
In 1980, the United States ratified a treaty banning military weather manipulation. But every once in a while, someone in the armed forces floats the idea of doing it again. “Our vision is that by 2025 the military could influence the weather on a mesoscale [theater-wide] or microscale [immediate local area] to achieve operational capabilities,” a 1996 Air Force-commissioned study reads.
Today, Chinese officials are trying to figure out ways to keep it from raining over Beiing, during this summer’s Olympics.
“Weather modification was used successfully in Viet Nam to (among other things) hinder and impede the movement of personnel and material from North Viet Nam to South Viet Nam,” notes a Naval Air Warfare Weapons Division – China Lake research proposal, released last month through the Freedom of Information Act. But “since that time military research on Weather Modification has dwindled in the United States.”
The proposal suggests a study of the latest weather manipulation techniques, to “give the U.S. military a viable, state-of-the-art weather modification capability again.” With that in hand, American forces would be able…
To impede or deny the movement of personnel and material because of rains-floods, snow-blizzards, etc.
(2) To disrupt economy due to the effect of floods, droughts, etc. The proposal is undated. But it’s pretty clearly from the Cold War. Not only is “the Soviet Union (Russia)” mentioned. The money is also relatively small, by today’s standards — less than a half-million dollars, over two years.
A military in-house newspaper calls “weather modification” an “area of China Lake preeminence. Between 1949 and 1978, China Lake developed concepts, techniques, and hardware that were successfully used in hurricane abatement, fog control, and drought relief. Military application of this technology was demonstrated in 1966 when Project Popeye was conducted to enhance rainfall to help interdict traffic on the Ho Chi Minh Trail.” (Here’s a picture of China Lake’s “Cold Cloud Modification System.”
In 1980, the United States ratified a treaty banning military weather manipulation. But every once in a while, someone in the armed forces floats the idea of doing it again. “Our vision is that by 2025 the military could influence the weather on a mesoscale [theater-wide] or microscale [immediate local area] to achieve operational capabilities,” a 1996 Air Force-commissioned study reads.
Today, Chinese officials are trying to figure out ways to keep it from raining over Beiing, during this summer’s Olympics.
controling the weather,
navy reserch paper weather modification,
Full text of S. 1959 Violent Radicalization and homegrown terrorism prevention act of 2007
Introduced: Aug 2, 2007
sponsor: Sen Susan Collins
Status: Introduced
You are viewing the following version of this bill:
Introduced in Senate: This is the original text of the bill as it was written by its sponsor and submitted to the House for consideration.
sponsor: Sen Susan Collins
Status: Introduced
You are viewing the following version of this bill:
Introduced in Senate: This is the original text of the bill as it was written by its sponsor and submitted to the House for consideration.
Text of Legislation
S 1959 IS 110th CONGRESS1st SessionS. 1959To establish the National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism, and for other purposes. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES August 2, 2007
Ms. COLLINS (for herself and Mr. COLEMAN) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
A BILLTo establish the National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism, and for other purposes.
Ms. COLLINS (for herself and Mr. COLEMAN) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
A BILLTo establish the National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism, and for other purposes.
- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
- This Act may be cited as the `Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007′.
- (a) In General- Title VIII of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 361 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
`Subtitle J–Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism
911 cover up,
attack to constitution,
dollar bills,
Ron Paul - here we go Again! - Diebold Sucks!
I just spoke to Andrew Axom, the field director for Ron Paul 2008 in Louisiana, to figure out how they did in yesterday’s caucuses. The answer? “Honestly, we do not know yet.”Axom confirmed all of this and explained that the “Uncommitted” slate was called the “Pro-Life, Pro-Family” slate. Until yesterday there was a good organization for Fred Thompson. When Fred moseyed off the stage, his canny organizers backed the PLPF slate and handed out ballots like the one pictured above, encouraging people to “win one for the Gipper” by voting for now-homeless delegates. “It was a very slick move on their part,” Axom said.
Here is how National Review‘s detail-driven political reporter David Freddoso explained it:
Last night, something like 20,000 Republicans in
Louisiana picked the delegates to their state convention, who will select half of the state’s delegates to the national convention (or, as Jim correctly points out, they may select nearly all of them).
The official results are not in yet, but I’m told that McCain beat all of the other candidates. The conservative “uncommitted” effort — designed to influence the party platform — might have come out ahead of everyone…
Ron Paul finished second. His supporters reportedly mobbed the 11 polling places, but many of them could not participate because they were not registered Republicans. They were required to cast provisional ballots, many of which will not count. (The provisional ballots are part of the reason for the delay in tallying the results.)
A sizable of number of Paul voters were not registered Republicans until recently (some may not have re-registered at all), so they didn’t show up on the rolls and had to cast provisional ballots. In all but two districts (where there aren’t enough provisional ballots to affect the outcome) the party is counting them to see if they 1)were cast by registered Republicans and 2)add up to a win.
Final results, when they’re available, will be at the LA GOP’s website. We’re looking at a majority of Republicans in one of the strongest GOP states (post-Katrina) who voted for either Ron Paul or a man who died in 2004.
Why didnt ron paul ask for the recount in N H?
Looks like theyre up to the same ole same ole in Louisiana primary!
911 inside job,
911 truth,
add campaign,
back to blogging,
Ron Paul here we go Again Diebold Sucks
911 cover up,
alex jones,
dennis kucinich,
dollar bills,
Illuminati Gordon Brown
Paulson Praises Fed Cut, Says Stimulus Plan Needed
By John Brinsley and Brendan MurrayJan. 22 (Bloomberg) — Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the Federal Reserve’s emergency interest-rate cut may boost investor confidence and called on Congress to “quickly enact” legislation to buttress U.S. growth.
As Paulson delivered a speech in Washington on the health of the U.S. economy, the Fed lowered its benchmark interest rate to 3.5 percent from 4.25 percent before a scheduled meeting on Jan. 29-30 to head off the threat of recession as global stock markets tumbled.
“What I think it shows to this country and the rest of the world is that our central bank is nimble and is able to move quickly to respond to market conditions,” Paulson said, when asked after the speech about the Fed’s decision. “That should be a confidence builder.”
Paulson’s speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce had been scheduled since Jan. 18. His remarks came after a two-day plunge in European and Asian stock markets fueled by mounting concerns the U.S. is headed into a recession. President George W. Bush put the Treasury chief in charge of negotiating a stimulus package with the Democratic-majority Congress.
“We need to do something now, because the short-term risks are clearly to the downside,” Paulson said in the speech. “The legislation must be enacted quickly, and the elements of the legislation must have immediate impact. If we miss this, we miss the mark.”
`More Action’ Needed
add campaign,
alex jones,
back to blogging,
News Anchor Assaults 9/11 Victim's Family Member
News Anchor Assaults 9/11 Victim's Family Member
911 cover up,
911 inside job,
new york,
News Anchor Assaults 9/11 Victim's Family Member,
we are change
911 protesters on times square!!
911 protesters on times square!!
911 cover up,
new york,
times square,
Tim Russert from Meet the Press on 911
Tim Russert from Meet the Press on 911
911 cover up,
agent tim russert,
Tim Russert,
Tim Russert from Meet the Press on 911
The Great Seal of the United States can be easily viewed on the back of a one-dollar bill. Although the colors mentioned in this article won’t be visible, it is still an easily obtained reference point for your convenience. The OBVERSE is on the right side (the eagle), while the REVERSE is on the left side (the pyramid) of the instrument.
Man is an enigmatic creature having a dual nature, temporal and spiritual. His institutions reflect the multiple facets of his complex and varied mental processes. He is at once occupied with the routine of satisfying the basic human needs for food, clothing, and shelter and the less tangible and more varied spiritual and social needs. His viewpoints are as varied as the individuals, subject not only to the external changes of environment but to self- created internal changes. Man alone has within himself any considerable power of thought or imagination. One facet of man’s behavior to come out of his imagination, superstition, spiritual groping, and reasoning is symbolism.
Terrorist False Flag Psyop Bill O’Reilly Calls 911 truther’s terrorists
Terrorist False Flag Psyop Bill O’Reilly Calls 911 truther’s terrorists
In this government hit peace Terrorist Bill O’Reilly goes after University of Wisconsin Madison Kevin Barrett.
9/11 conspiracy theories,
bill oriley,
charlie sheen,
O'Reilly Media,
propiganda | Tagged: terrorism,
Rosie O'Donnell,
September 11 attacks,
united states
Charles Gibson gets rude.
WeAreChange Confronts Charles Gibson in NH
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
And it is getting worse as the U.S. and
European economies slip into recession
by Monty GuildEuropean economies slip into recession
Guild Investment Management, Inc.
January 15, 2008
Thus far, the developed world is not thinking with an inflationary psychology, but such a psychology is gripping the developing world.
As Hamlet said “…there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” With inflation this is especially the case. Inflation can be moderated or exacerbated by the psychology of consumers. An example of inflationary psychology is that when prices are expected to rise, people buy and hoard. They tend to buy more raw goods, finished goods as well as fixed assets like gold and other commodities, and if interest rates and prices are low they buy real estate.
It is partially the fear of this inflationary psychology that encourages politicians and political functionaries to fudge the numbers on inflation, change the accounting for the cost of living, and to hide, minimize or divert attention from the advent of inflation using an impressive panoply of creative deception.
There is a general dishonesty displayed by government statistical functionaries pretty much world wide, in presenting the statistics regarding inflation and economic growth. The first is usually understated and the second often overstated.
Clearly, the consumers in Russia, China, India, and many other countries are reacting to the bad inflation numbers that have been published in their countries in recent months, weeks, and days. They are seeking to protect themselves, and they are doing so by buying gold and other commodities.
Just last week, the Shanghai Gold Futures Exchange opened for business. Gold opened at the equivalent of about $997 an ounce. At the time of this writing, gold is trading for about $943 per ounce on the Shanghai Gold Futures Exchange versus about $895 per ounce on other world exchanges.
Why would gold sell for 5% more in Shanghai than elsewhere in the world? It is because the Chinese are worried about inflation, and thus far the amount of gold imported into China to fill the need does not meet the demand. So gold will flow from the rest of the world into China, which will push world prices up and Chinese prices down until they meet. It is our belief they will meet above $920 per ounce soon and above $1500 per ounce in the next couple of years.
The fact that a recession is looming in the developed world would in normal times divert investors’ attention from purchasing gold. The logic is that recessions lead to lower demand and lower prices for goods and services, so gold is not demanded. But today is no ordinary recession. Today, we have stagflation brewing. Wise investors who see this prospect on the horizon are protecting against inflation while expecting stagnating economic growth.
- Russian inflation was 11.9% in 2007.
- Ukraine’s inflation was the highest in seven years.
- China’s inflation is accelerating, causing some political unrest due to higher gasoline diesel and food prices.
- The Chinese government institutes price freezes on key goods including fertilizer, food energy and etc.
- Inflation in Latin America ranged from 3.3% to the high teens in 2007.
- The Chinese agree to let their currency rise faster than in 2007 to combat inflation.
- We see headlines like these appearing all over the world. Eventually, they get into the people’s awareness and change behaviors, which can cause more dislocations, and finally a big breakout in inflation world-wide.
Thus far, the U.S. and some other markets have started the new year on a declining note. However, if you have been in food, gold, or foreign currencies the news has been good.
We expect this year to be much like the first week. It maybe difficult for some parts of the world economy, but not difficult for those who are well positioned to benefit from the inflation, weak dollar, and poor U.S. economic activity that will make headlines this year.
Here are some scary money supply growth numbers for you for 2007:
Brazil M3 +17.0%
Canada M3 +12.9%
China M2 +18.5%
Euro zone M3 +12.3%
Hong Kong M3 +31.5%
India M3 +21.5%
U.S. M3 +15.8%
Canada M3 +12.9%
China M2 +18.5%
Euro zone M3 +12.3%
Hong Kong M3 +31.5%
India M3 +21.5%
U.S. M3 +15.8%
In our opinion, the commodity macro cycle is all about population of the world and its growth. In 2005, the world population was about 6.5 billion people, and it has been growing slightly more than 75 million people per annum since 2000, or about 1.2% per year.
If we assume that 1.2% more people are added net to world population each year, it is easy to see that the demand for raw materials will continue to rise at a substantial rate. Add to this the fact that about 50 million more individuals per year join the global developing economies and begin to make enough money to demand more goods, more services, and a richer diet. Using these figures, it is easy to see demand for grains and industrial commodities rising at 2-3 % per year. This is huge growth since the global production of energy, grains, and raw materials has not typically grown more than about 1% a year, if at all.
As we all know if demand rises and supply is relatively flat, price is the mechanism by which goods are rationed. Prices must rise…and rise they will.
Many argue that prices have already risen, so price increases must be over. In our opinion, prices can fall for a few weeks, or even months in some cases, but long-term price decreases are looking extremely unlikely, especially if you believe the money supply growth figures mentioned above. In our opinion and in the opinion of many economists rapidly expanding liquidity leads to more price inflation.
Stocks that are not connected to the commodity cycle could be hurt.
People fear that the Fed will not lower rates fast enough due to the fact that the Fed knows it will eventually have to raise rates in order to slow down the rise in commodity prices. The Fed may be slow in lowering rates, but they will undoubtedly be slow raising rates later when they try to slow price inflation. This should give inflation plenty of time to take root.
Every behavior the central banks and the governments themselves are currently undertaking is inflationary longer term. For example, with bailouts of companies [Northern Rock], the injections of capital by sovereign wealth funds and other investors, and lowering interest rates to spur lending and growth. These, plus the growth of the money supply worldwide is sowing the seeds of inflation.
Further, the growth of world population and the rising standard of living of the existing population both argue persuasively for higher commodity prices over the long term.
We will continue to keep our eye on the global landscape and find areas that we think offer investment profit potential. We are long gold, energy, food, and related companies. We have very small positions in one or two fast growing countries and will add to these positions on market weakness, not today, but in coming weeks and months.
Mexico funds pro immigration add campaign.
Mexico funds pro immigration add campaign.
Microsoft and NBC want you to know that there is a Real ID card in your future
Microsoft and NBC want you to know that there is a Real ID card in your future
Microsoft and NBC want you to know that there is a Real ID card in your future, as this segment that aired on the Today show demonstrates.
Earlier this week, we learned that Microsoft filed a patent “for a system to monitor the health and mental state of computer users,” a system designed to “automatically detect frustration or stress in the user via physiological and environmental sensors, and offer or provide some assistance accordingly,” sort of the way the “instructress” in Orwell’s 1984 offered “6079 Smith W” assistance via the telescreen. NBC, owned by death merchant General Electric, also has a vested interest in Real ID, as they are, as a Pentagon “defense” contrator, in the business of “domestic intelligence gathering,” primarily through the Pentagon’s Counterintelligence Field Activity unit. Last August, we were assured by Def Sec. and former spook Gates that the Pentagon would shut down its controversial domestic spying database known as TALON. Sure. And I have a bridge for sale on Ganymede.
So unpopular is the Real ID scheme with the plebs, Michael Chertoff has lately taken to vigorously pimping the plan. Chertoff tells us Real ID is a fantastic idea because it will “prevent somebody from evading a watchlist and getting on an airplane and blowing the plane up because they pretend to be somebody else,” never mind how unlikely this is, even with dim-bulb patsies such as Richard Reid, the infamous “shoe bomber,” wandering around, waiting for orders from headquarters.
But if you actually believe al-Qaeda is lurking in the shadows with shoe and liquid bombs, you might take comfort in the fact the Ministry of Homeland Security will phase its scheme in over the next few years, regardless of what most people want. As for those handful of states that have declared their unwillingness to participate, their residents will no longer be allowed to get on airplanes or possibly travel by car to other states. In order to do so, they will need a passport — you know, the new passports with RFID chips embedded.
It would seem the only way to avoid this nightmare would be for those states opposed to secede from the United States.
Microsoft and NBC want you to know that there is a Real ID card in your future, as this segment that aired on the Today show demonstrates.
Earlier this week, we learned that Microsoft filed a patent “for a system to monitor the health and mental state of computer users,” a system designed to “automatically detect frustration or stress in the user via physiological and environmental sensors, and offer or provide some assistance accordingly,” sort of the way the “instructress” in Orwell’s 1984 offered “6079 Smith W” assistance via the telescreen. NBC, owned by death merchant General Electric, also has a vested interest in Real ID, as they are, as a Pentagon “defense” contrator, in the business of “domestic intelligence gathering,” primarily through the Pentagon’s Counterintelligence Field Activity unit. Last August, we were assured by Def Sec. and former spook Gates that the Pentagon would shut down its controversial domestic spying database known as TALON. Sure. And I have a bridge for sale on Ganymede.
So unpopular is the Real ID scheme with the plebs, Michael Chertoff has lately taken to vigorously pimping the plan. Chertoff tells us Real ID is a fantastic idea because it will “prevent somebody from evading a watchlist and getting on an airplane and blowing the plane up because they pretend to be somebody else,” never mind how unlikely this is, even with dim-bulb patsies such as Richard Reid, the infamous “shoe bomber,” wandering around, waiting for orders from headquarters.
But if you actually believe al-Qaeda is lurking in the shadows with shoe and liquid bombs, you might take comfort in the fact the Ministry of Homeland Security will phase its scheme in over the next few years, regardless of what most people want. As for those handful of states that have declared their unwillingness to participate, their residents will no longer be allowed to get on airplanes or possibly travel by car to other states. In order to do so, they will need a passport — you know, the new passports with RFID chips embedded.
It would seem the only way to avoid this nightmare would be for those states opposed to secede from the United States.
Earlier video of Ron Paul’s comments on a reinvestigation of 911
Earlier video of Ron Paul’s comments on a reinvestigation of 911
Reporters from confronted Ron Paul in a New Hampshire spin room about supporting victim’s family members in pursuing a new 9/11 investigation. “Yes, I support more investigation,” Paul responded.
The Presidential candidate indicated that the full truth was still not known “because ineptness was hidden” in the 9/11 Commission investigation.
“This is generally what government investigations do,” Ron Paul said. “They hide inefficiencies and ineptness.”
He further criticized those in charge who “can’t and won’t admit” that the country is “fighting a war for no good reason.” “They’ve dug their heels in and they’ll lose everything they’ve said,” he said about war hawks.
Reporters from confronted Ron Paul in a New Hampshire spin room about supporting victim’s family members in pursuing a new 9/11 investigation. “Yes, I support more investigation,” Paul responded.
The Presidential candidate indicated that the full truth was still not known “because ineptness was hidden” in the 9/11 Commission investigation.
“This is generally what government investigations do,” Ron Paul said. “They hide inefficiencies and ineptness.”
He further criticized those in charge who “can’t and won’t admit” that the country is “fighting a war for no good reason.” “They’ve dug their heels in and they’ll lose everything they’ve said,” he said about war hawks.
911 cover up,
ron paul 2008,
ron paul president
Ron Paul: A New Hope
Ron Paul: A New Hope
new hope,
ron paul president
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 1 and 2
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 1
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 2
Chemtrail Plane Up Close and Personal
Chemtrail Plane Up Close and Personal
Chemtrail plane video taped at Arnold Palmer airport in Latrobe PA.
Chemtrail plane up close
White four engine plane with no ID markings;landing at Castle air base in Atwater Calif.;video taped in Merced Calif.
BLOGGED BY Brad Friedman ON 1/4/2008 2:50PM
Cover Graphic Shows Exploding Voting Booth with ‘WARNING’ Label: ‘Your vote may be lost, destroyed, miscounted, wrongly attributed or hacked.

The entire debate over e-voting may well be just about to change. Hopefully for the better. Big time.
One key passage: “The earliest critiques of digital voting booths came from the fringe — disgruntled citizens and scared-senseless computer geeks — but the fears have now risen to the highest levels of government.”Editor & Publisher’s editor Greg Mitchell, has tipped off The BRAD BLOG late this afternoon, that the New York Times Magazine is set to run a “massive” cover-story this Sunday, on the entire e-voting disaster titled “The Bugs in the Machines.”
Better late than never?
Mitchell describes the story as “quite chilling” in the exclusive preview he’s just posted to his new personal blog. Here’s the first coupla grafs from his scoop…
Coming between the Iowa and New Hampshire tallies, this Sunday’s cover of The New York Times Magazine ought to strike a chord. It shows a man inside an exploding voting booth with a WARNING label over it and the words: “Your vote may be lost, destroyed, miscounted, wrongly attributed or hacked.”The massive Clive Thompson article, titled “The Bugs in the Machines,” is quite chilling. “After the 2000 election,” it opens, “counties around the country rushed to buy new computerized voting machines. But it turns out that these machines may cause problems worse than hanging chads. Is America ready for another contested election?” One key passage: “The earliest critiques of digital voting booths came from the fringe — disgruntled citizens and scared-senseless computer geeks — but the fears have now risen to the highest levels of government.”One expert says that “about 10 percent” of the devices fail in each election.
The Great Seal of the United States can be easily viewed on the back of a one-dollar bill. Although the colors mentioned in this article won’t be visible, it is still an easily obtained reference point for your convenience. The OBVERSE is on the right side (the eagle), while the REVERSE is on the left side (the pyramid) of the instrument.
Man is an enigmatic creature having a dual nature, temporal and spiritual. His institutions reflect the multiple facets of his complex and varied mental processes. He is at once occupied with the routine of satisfying the basic human needs for food, clothing, and shelter and the less tangible and more varied spiritual and social needs. His viewpoints are as varied as the individuals, subject not only to the external changes of environment but to self- created internal changes. Man alone has within himself any considerable power of thought or imagination. One facet of man’s behavior to come out of his imagination, superstition, spiritual groping, and reasoning is symbolism.
The Great Seal of the United States can be easily viewed on the back of a one-dollar bill. Although the colors mentioned in this article won’t be visible, it is still an easily obtained reference point for your convenience. The OBVERSE is on the right side (the eagle), while the REVERSE is on the left side (the pyramid) of the instrument.
Man is an enigmatic creature having a dual nature, temporal and spiritual. His institutions reflect the multiple facets of his complex and varied mental processes. He is at once occupied with the routine of satisfying the basic human needs for food, clothing, and shelter and the less tangible and more varied spiritual and social needs. His viewpoints are as varied as the individuals, subject not only to the external changes of environment but to self- created internal changes. Man alone has within himself any considerable power of thought or imagination. One facet of man’s behavior to come out of his imagination, superstition, spiritual groping, and reasoning is symbolism.
Terrorist False Flag Psyop Bill O’Reilly Calls 911 truther’s terrorists
Terrorist False Flag Psyop Bill O’Reilly Calls 911 truther’s terrorists
In this government hit peace Terrorist Bill O’Reilly goes after University of Wisconsin Madison Kevin Barrett.
In this government hit peace Terrorist Bill O’Reilly goes after University of Wisconsin Madison Kevin Barrett.
Local news station confirms barium in chemtrails
11/9/10 Update:
Geo Engineering : This video is a must see if you have any questions about Geo Engineering. The research is extensive and in-depth. I am still dismayed over the lack of questioning and open mindedness around the subject. So I hope you have some time to watch all 7 episodes and start taking notice.
11/11/09 Update: "Unsolved Mysteries" or proof U.S.A. tested using RAIN to infect AMERICAN
Geo Engineering : This video is a must see if you have any questions about Geo Engineering. The research is extensive and in-depth. I am still dismayed over the lack of questioning and open mindedness around the subject. So I hope you have some time to watch all 7 episodes and start taking notice.
11/11/09 Update: "Unsolved Mysteries" or proof U.S.A. tested using RAIN to infect AMERICAN
Ralph Nader: "Things Are a Lot Worse than We Thought!"

Ralph Nader: “Things Are a Lot Worse than We Thought!”
What are chemtrails?
What are Contrails?
Streaks of condensed water vapor created in the air by jet airplanes at high altitudes. (Merriam-Websters)
Streamer of cloud sometimes observed behind an airplane flying in clear, cold, humid air. (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
A visible cloud streak, usually brilliantly white in color, which trails behind a missile or other vehicle in flight under certain conditions. (DOD Dictionary of Military Terms)
Contrails can exist in two forms: water droplet and ice crystal.
Under what conditions do Contrails form?
The primary factors in contrail formation are air temperature and moisture content. They are usually seen at the higher colder altidtudes, but will even occur at ground level in Antartica, sometimes causing a visibility problem for jets that take too long to take-off. Contrails started becoming a common sight during World War II, when bombers started flying at altitudes above 30,000 feet. They can exist in two forms: water and ice. A water droplet contrail occurs when an airplane flies though cold and supersaturated moist air and the warm water vapour produced by the engine condenses into tiny droplets. Under colder temperatures the water will freeze creating suspended ice-crystals.
The following graph represents contrail data collected for Houston, TX over several months. See the Trail Research Report for full details.
Temperature and Humidity (degrees of separation between Dew Point and Temperature).
Streaks of condensed water vapor created in the air by jet airplanes at high altitudes. (Merriam-Websters)
Streamer of cloud sometimes observed behind an airplane flying in clear, cold, humid air. (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
A visible cloud streak, usually brilliantly white in color, which trails behind a missile or other vehicle in flight under certain conditions. (DOD Dictionary of Military Terms)
Contrails can exist in two forms: water droplet and ice crystal.
Under what conditions do Contrails form?
The primary factors in contrail formation are air temperature and moisture content. They are usually seen at the higher colder altidtudes, but will even occur at ground level in Antartica, sometimes causing a visibility problem for jets that take too long to take-off. Contrails started becoming a common sight during World War II, when bombers started flying at altitudes above 30,000 feet. They can exist in two forms: water and ice. A water droplet contrail occurs when an airplane flies though cold and supersaturated moist air and the warm water vapour produced by the engine condenses into tiny droplets. Under colder temperatures the water will freeze creating suspended ice-crystals.
The following graph represents contrail data collected for Houston, TX over several months. See the Trail Research Report for full details.

what are chemtrails
Chemtrails Data Page Repost
Chemtrails – Frequently Asked Questions
Chemtrail links to various sites
Chemtrail links to various sites
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